Respons to George Frıedmen

To George Friedman Jan 13 2015, responding to his article.
As usual, excellent analysis and writing. I differ on the point of the history of terrorism.
The terrorist as we see it know, in broader view, is a product of 20th Century. Before that, there were uncalled for invasions, horrible genocides, a the least five, against Jews all over Europe and the Middle East. At end of 20th Century against Muslims in Yugoslavia, the list is quite long, even if we do not talk about 200 some years of Crusaders waves, including the sack of Constatinapolis. Christians- against Christians, which was common in Europe and continued all the way to IRA.
But the terror with its new face is a modern product of WANTING MORE, a byproduct of Capitalism in the hands of superpowers.
I wish you look at the events of the Middle East starting from early 1900 and consider the effects of muddling in their affairs, while all the time looking down on them.
There is no excuse, and not even e justifiable reason for terror to be accepted. Bu we must not forget that without an action present, there would be no reaction. There was no terror and terrorist in the Middle East even at the end of 19th Century. None.
To expect to be good and civilized from back-warded Middle East, it is a backward wish, as the actions we despise.
Malaise bring malaise, goodness brings goodness. Budha.
We must take the lead to act civilized. Otherwise there would be no way to end terror. Unfortunately. Declaring to the back-warded people that we are coming together and uniting against you, is short of declaring a war that we have no way of winning.
A drop of honey collects more flies than a bucket of vinegar. We must act civilized inspite of all evil around us, and consider opponents point of view.
Turgut A. Karabekir AIA

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